Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Policy
To ensure that everyone at MediServices Healthcare Ltd is aware of the Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy and Procedure in line with local and national guidelines. This policy refers to adults who may be at risk. This policy must be read alongside the Safeguarding policy. MediServices Healthcare Ltd will ensure that staff understand Redditch Borough Council safeguarding reporting procedures and that these procedures are communicated to all staff.
To support MediServices Healthcare Ltd in meeting the following key lines of enquiry/quality statements
Key Lines of Enquiry: S1. How do systems, processes, and practices keep people safe and safeguarded from abuse?
Quality Statements: QSS3: Safeguarding
Key Lines of Enquiry: W1. Is there a clear vision and credible strategy to deliver high-quality care and support, and promote a positive culture that is person-centred, open, inclusive, and empowering, which achieves good outcomes for people?
Quality Statements: QSW1: Shared direction and culture, QSW2: Capable, compassionate, and inclusive leaders
Key Lines of Enquiry: W2: Does the governance framework ensure that responsibilities are clear, and that quality performance, risks, and regulatory requirements are understood and managed?
Quality Statements: QSW5: Governance, management and sustainability
To meet the legal requirements of the regulated activities that MediServices Healthcare Ltd is registered to provide:
- The Modern Slavery Act 2015
- Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
- Human Rights Act 1998
- The Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) (Amendment) Regulations 2012
The following roles may be affected by this policy:
- All staff
- Registered Manager
- Other Management
The following service users may be affected by this policy:
- Patients
To promote awareness of concerns surrounding slavery and human trafficking and promote the commitment of MediServices Healthcare Ltd to addressing slavery and human trafficking in all its forms. To ensure that identification, protection, care, and support for victims of modern slavery and human trafficking is at the heart of our safeguarding procedures.
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking, all of which include the deprivation of a person’s liberty by another to exploit them for personal or commercial gain. MediServices Healthcare Ltd has a zero-tolerance approach to Modern slavery within the business and supply chains and we are committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our dealings and relationships. We will implement and enforce effective systems and controls to ensure modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in MediServices Healthcare Ltd.
All staff will be made aware of the issues surrounding slavery and human trafficking while being encouraged and supported to report any concerns to MediServices Healthcare Ltd management. We will also support any staff that may be subject to slavery or human trafficking. Where modern slavery or human trafficking is identified, MediServices Healthcare Ltd will share information with the Redditch Borough Council Safeguarding Team to safeguard the individual from harm and to prevent future situations from arising, to promote the elimination of routes and sources of slavery or human trafficking.
All line managers are responsible for ensuring that those reporting directly to them comply with the provisions of this policy in the day-to-day performance of their roles. All employees who suspect any members of the workplace to be victims of modern slavery must notify their line manager. All employees will be informed of the Freedom to Speak Up and Whistleblowing Policy and procedure. This policy and associated procedure enable MediServices Healthcare Ltd to thoroughly investigate allegations of any wrongdoing raised by employees within MediServices Healthcare Ltd without fear of reprisal.
Reporting Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Concerns
The following procedure must take place where there are any concerns that someone is a victim of modern slavery or human trafficking. MediServices Healthcare Ltd must ensure that staff are aware that victims of modern slavery or trafficking will often not self-identify. Many will present with a different issue.
- A concern is identified – this could be a patient as a victim or perpetrator, or a patient informs us of a concern they have.
- If an individual or group of people are in immediate risk of danger or harm, the police must be immediately notified by calling 999.
- The staff member must discuss this with their line manager and the registered manager immediately.
- The registered manager contacts and escalates the concern immediately to the Redditch Borough Council Safeguarding Adults Team.
- A notification is made to the CQC via the provider portal.
Safer recruitment
All staff engaged with providing services at MediServices Healthcare Ltd will be subject to thorough and rigorous recruitment procedures that will include a DBS check, identity check, confirmation of validity to work in the UK, employment history, suitability for the role, and references, this will minimise the chance of employing a person that has been, or who is subject to, slavery of human trafficking.
MediServices Healthcare will only use staff provided by third-party organisations (such as agencies) that are either registered with the regulator or who can confirm that the staff being supplied are free to work in the UK and meet all the requirements for the role being provided for.
Emergency Contact
In the event of urgent advice required please call the office on 020 3868 6249 and ask for the Registered Manager or the Governance Lead.
For clinical advice please ask for the Head of Clinical Governance. In an emergency, please follow the hospital procedures and call the emergency team internally.
Clinical Governance
MediServices Healthcare continuously strives to uphold an excellent standard of service.
Led by our Medical Director, our clinical governance committee ensures that the quality of all services is continually monitored and reviewed.
MediServices Healthcare is committed to providing seamless insourcing and outsourcing solutions, our clients are at the heart of everything we do.