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Our aim is to create a culture of transparency, continuous learning, and improvement.

We have a fully integrated governance strategy. All our services are supported by robust governance processes and are overseen by our clinical governance committee which includes representatives from our key clinicians and managers, including our medical director. Our clinical governance committee meets monthly to continuously monitor our agreed objectives and manage our approach to quality and risk management.

Our governance strategy and quality plan ensure that our services are:

Safe And Effective

We have a comprehensive audit framework combined with stringent clinical and non-clinical policies in place which support all functions of our services including expert advice from our experienced board.

Caring And Responsive

Our primary clinical objective is to strive for high-quality, patient-centred care. We closely monitor patient satisfaction and ensure that where there are any shortcomings, these are rectified immediately.

Continuously Improving

We are committed to promoting a culture of continuous learning; whether that is through offering educational and training opportunities to our staff or through carrying out clinical audits.

Pillars of Clinical Governance

Clinical EffectivenessWe are registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC) which monitors, inspects and regulates our services to make sure they meet fundamental standards of quality and safety.
Education and TrainingEducating and training staff helps establish the necessary behaviours, attitudes, skills and knowledge to deliver high-quality, safe, patient centred care. It assists staff in making good decisions and helps with taking the right steps to prevent risk occurring and prepares staff to respond correctly should a risk emerge.
AuditWe have been awarded ISO9001 certification by UKAS, demonstrating our ability to consistently provide services that meet stringent regulatory requirements.
Information and ICTWe take data protection and information security seriously and are proud to have been awarded cyber essentials certification.
Risk ManagementOur robust risk management systems ensure that we are able to report risks, incidents and near misses quickly and easily; and implement systems to prevent any repeats.
Staff ManagementOur staffing and skill mix is constantly reviewed to ensure that we always have appropriate cover in place. In addition to this, we are proud to be a GMC-designated body and are directly involved in the appraisal and revalidation of our clinicians.

Clinical Governance

MediServices Healthcare continuously strives to uphold an excellent standard of service.

Led by our Medical Director, our clinical governance committee ensures that the quality of all services is continually monitored and reviewed.

Disability Employer

Reduce Waiting Times

MediServices Healthcare continuously strives to uphold an excellent standard of service.